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shrimp’s egg
虾子  detail>>
fried shrimp with scrambled egg
滑蛋虾仁  detail>>
scrambled egg with shrimp paste
虾酱炒鸡蛋  detail>>
shrimp with egg white
虾仁芙蓉  detail>>
egg, chicken, shrimp, steam tofu
龙凤琵琶豆腐  detail>>
egg,chicken,shrimp,steam tofu
龙凤琵琶豆腐  detail>>
 n.  (pl. shrimps, 〔集合词〕shrimp) 1.【动物;动物学】褐虾,河虾。 2.〔俚语〕矮子;微不足道的人。 &nbs...  detail>>
 n.  1.蛋,鸡蛋;〔生〕卵,卵细胞;卵形物。 2.〔俚语〕炸弹,手榴弹;鱼雷。 3.〔俚语〕人,家伙。 4.〔俚语〕没有意思的玩笑;拙...  detail>>
egg and
卵一锚饰  detail>>
egg on
怂恿某人  detail>>
in the egg
未成熟地  detail>>
the egg
企鹅蛋  detail>>
arctic shrimp
北极虾  detail>>
baby shrimp
小小虾  detail>>
bee shrimp
蜜蜂虾  detail>>
blue shrimp
蓝虾  detail>>
boil shrimp
白灼中虾  detail>>
boogaloo shrimp
施林普  detail>>